Tuesday 28 June 2016

3 Signs You May Need a Dental Bridge

If you have lost a tooth, you may be aware of the potential problems it can cause. One missing tooth can lead to more widespread problems. There are things to look for that can indicate a dental bridge may be required.

1. You Have Difficulty Chewing or Talking

Depending on the location of the missing tooth, you may notice an inability to pronounce certain words correctly or properly chew your food. While a speech impediment may not harm you physically, you can have digestion problems if you can’t chew your food.

2. You are Concerned About Your Appearance

In the event that the missing tooth is towards the front of your mouth, it may be very apparent that you have dental issues when you smile or even talk. Appearance may not be overwhelmingly important to everyone, but it can have a negative impact in situations such as interviews where first impressions are crucial.

3. Your Remaining Teeth are Shifting

Sometimes a gap in your teeth caused by a missing tooth will allow other teeth to shift over. If left unattended, all your teeth could alter their position and you may need an entire realignment procedure. This can also make your teeth more vulnerable to improper wear and tear.

Ask your dentist about any questions you have regarding the possibility of a dental bridge. Every situation is different, and you may need professional help. For more information on dental bridges in Durham, please visit this website.

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